The past, present and future of the greatest franchise in the history of professional sports.

GAME 159: In a good case of ‘be careful what you wish for’ — I was half joking that David Robertson should blow the save to allow Derek Jeter a shot at a storyboard walkoff — for the game, his career and final touch on his legacy — and lo and behold — me, and a zillion other Yankees fans got our wish.

The Jeterian Swing

The only way to describe it…

Tip of The Cap to Hiro

The work of Hiroki Kuroda will be the side-story on this night, but what a performance! After allowing back-to-back home runs to open the game, Kuroda did more than settle down. He dominated. This will not be forgotten.

“Greatest Blown Save In History”

Jack Curry (YES Network) said it. And it was.
GAMENOTES: Thanks to Brett Gardner, Jeter finally got doused with the GatorAde! … Cap will not assume the shortstop position for the final three games of the season in Boston. He will DH, preferring to have the memory of the view from short at Yankee Stadium as his final on-field memory. Who can blame him … Pinch-runner Antoan Richardson will be preserved in history as the benefactor of Derek Jeter’s final RBI — but hopefully more to come in pinstripes from the Tampa, FL native.
Here’s the box score and recap.

Today in Yankees Baseball History

MEMORY LANE: On September 25th, 1967Mickey Mantle played is last game in Yankee Stadium… In 1961, Roger Maris tied Babe Ruth‘s 34-year-old record with his 60th homer, off Baltimore’s Jack Fisher 
On today’s date in 1995, the Yankees purchased Rick Honeycutt from the Oakland Athletics. Close to the end of a 21-year MLB career, Honeycutt appeared in relief in 3 games for the ’95 Yankees, for a total of 1 inning …
Happy 45th Birthday to 2005 Yankees team member Tony Womack!

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